Our Laundry price-list is grouped by laundry item categories. Select a laundry category to view items belonging to category. If you do not see your item, select 'Item(s) for cleaning' from laundry 'Accessories' category. We will price the item(s) after collection. Price of each laundry item includes pre-spotting, cleaning and pressing or ironing. This service is also known as Full-Service.
If you need Bulk Service i.e. Service Wash) please select 'Service Wash' category to view prices and preferences (e.g. Please select a category to view Alteration & Repairs items in that category. We usually require at least 72 hours to collect, alter or repair, and then deliver. Some items may take longer. Please check your "Invoice and Delivery Note" email sent to you after collection.
The 'Delivery Note' part of the email will will have delivery date and time for these items (usually this will be the same as your overall delivery day and time but some items may have a later delivery time). Please make sure you have identified clearly the item and have clear written instructions for the alteration/repair.
If you need Bulk Service i.e. Service Wash) please select 'Service Wash' category to view prices and preferences (e.g. Please select a category to view Alteration & Repairs items in that category. We usually require at least 72 hours to collect, alter or repair, and then deliver. Some items may take longer. Please check your "Invoice and Delivery Note" email sent to you after collection.
The 'Delivery Note' part of the email will will have delivery date and time for these items (usually this will be the same as your overall delivery day and time but some items may have a later delivery time). Please make sure you have identified clearly the item and have clear written instructions for the alteration/repair.
South Kensigton (SW7) Laundry Service Professional Laundry Services with Free London Collection and Delivery.
We have many customers in South Kensington who use are laundry and dry cleaning services and its one of the most popular area for us.
Please visit our home page for details.
Use code FIRSTORDER10 during Checkout and get 10% off your order for all laundry and dry cleaning items.
Do not worry if you forget to apply the code; we will apply it automatically to your invoice, emailed to you within 24 hours of collection.
We have many customers in South Kensington who use are laundry and dry cleaning services and its one of the most popular area for us.
Please visit our home page for details.
Use code FIRSTORDER10 during Checkout and get 10% off your order for all laundry and dry cleaning items.
Do not worry if you forget to apply the code; we will apply it automatically to your invoice, emailed to you within 24 hours of collection.
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